Full version of my CV can be found here.
- PhD, Astrophysics, Swinburne University of Technology and CSIRO Space and Astonomy, 2018-2022
- BSc with 1st class honours in Astrophysics, Monash University, 2017
- BSc majoring in Astrophysics and Applied Mathematics, Monash University, 2014-2017
Academic Experience
- 2021-present: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, CSIRO Space and Astronomy
- Supervisors: Dr. Simon Johnston and Dr. Elizabeth Mahony
- 2018: Research Intern, Swinburne University of Technology
- Supervisors: Prof. Matthew Bailes, Dr. Ryan Shannon, Dr. Adam Deller and Dr. Chris Flynn.
- Vetting the timing accuracy of pulsars observed with UTMOST.
- 2017-2018: Teaching Assistant, Monash University
- Duties included: demonstrating in workshops for Earth to Cosmos (ASP1010) and Life in the Universe (ASP1022), first year astronomy units.
- Programming languages: (proficient) Python, MATLAB, Bash, C shell, (familiar) Fortran90, (basic) C/C++.
- Other tools: PSRCHIVE, DSPSR, LIGO LALSuite, LaTex, GIT, SLURM, HTCondor.
- Co-developer of Bilby, a gravitational-wave parameter estimation code.
- Trained to observe with the Molonglo radio telescope and 64 meter dish at Parkes.
Academic Achievements
- Royal Society International Exhange grand, co-awarded with Lucy Oswald, £6k.
- ASA 2021 best student poster prize (3rd place), $100.
- CSIRO Space and Astronomy studentship, $5k travel grant.
- Swinburne Faculty of Science Engineering & Technology travel grant, $3k.
- ARC Laureate Fellow PhD Scholarship, Swinburne University of Technology, $81k.
- OzGrav student travel grant, $400
- Received a final grade of 87/100 for my honours thesis, titled ‘Detecting Eccentricity in the Orbits of Merging Binary Black Holes'. Supervised by Dr. Eric Thrane, Dr. Paul Lasky and Dr. Rory Smith.
- Received a final grade of 93/100 for my undergraduate research project titled ‘Can GW150914 reveal anything about darkmatter?’. Supervised by Dr. Eric Thrane and Dr. Letizia Sammut.
- Astronomical Society of Australia
- MeerTime Collaboration
- Parkes Pulsar Timing Array
- International Pulsar Timing Array
- CRAFT: The Commensal Real-time ASKAP Fast Transient Survey (affiliate)
- UTMOST Project (affiliate)
- OzGrav: The ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational-wave Discovery (affiliate)